LOOKEY is a video search application that helps you search videos from the world of internet in a single tap. You can search videos by built-in sections like News, Autos, Entertainment, Food, Beauty, Fashion, Travel, Tech, Sports and so on; Or you can add your own keywords.
The results are displayed like a deck of playing cards, which are easy to read and fun to scroll through. Videos can easily be shared on social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Google+) and email. LOOKEY also provides various advanced search options to make your search easy, quick and accurate, such as:
- Relevance : Entries are ordered by their relevance to a search query.
- Upload date : Entries are returned in reverse chronological order.
- View Count : Entries are ordered from most views to least views.
- Rating : Entries are ordered from highest rating to lowest rating.
- Today
- This Week
- This Month
- Anytime
【 How to set your own keyword 】
If you want to watch latest CNN News everyday, set your keyword like this:
Keyword-1: CNN, Keyword2: News, Search Option: SORT BY “Upload date” and Upload Date is “Today”. That’s it. Set one time, watch forever. No hassle of visiting website and searching all over again. Everytime the app is launched, you can watch the latest CNN News. It was never so simple.
【 Advanced Search Options 】
- Include : keyword
- Exclude : -keyword