Create your own stop-motion animation using only 2 frames
Cazzin can be used in various ways such as the following:
• An animation can be created by manually selecting and dragging between previous and next frames.
• 360 degree rotation capture. (spin your figure, doll, car, building or baby, head, body and so on.)
• As little as 2 pictures can be converted into a movie of 6000 frames which lasts for a maximum of 10 minutes.
• 360 degree rotation capture allows you to view and object from 360 degrees by repeatedly taking pictures of an object and changing the angle. These pictures can be viewed in the respective album creating a 360 degree view, or can be converted into a 360 degree animation with the movie converter feature.
• Pictures can automatically be taken by use of the “timer based auto capture function”.
• The “Capture function” allows you to automatically take 60 pictures per minute for a maximum of one hour.
• Animations can easily be made by use of the “stop motion animation” (stop frame animation) capture feature.
Please refer to the link below for more information.
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