Follow and unfollow from your iPhone at the tip of your fingers, whenever and wherever.
Now you can easily follow back your followers and unfollow people that did not follow you back.
Followorks is a new application that allows you to easily follow and unfollow people by searching users that followed you or unfollowed you.
It includes the following features:
- Find your followers and follow them back.
- Find users that did not refollow you and allows you to unfollow them.
- Easily view refollow and unfollow figures in 0 – 100 percent.
- Manage number of accounts with multi account.
- Manually follow and unfollow like twitter. (certain websites that follow and unfollow automatically may result in termination of service from twitter)
- Clearly shows the numbers you need to follow and unfollow.
- The numbers you follow and the numbers following you become equal when you make follow works and unfollow works at 100 percent.
Also, more features will be added into future updates.
Many thanks to your feedbacks and have fun!!