Camera application will be terminated from the App Store
I regret to inform you that the following apps will be terminated from the App Store as of 12/31/2018. I apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your kind understanding.
I regret to inform you that the following apps will be terminated from the App Store as of 12/31/2018. I apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your kind understanding.
Cazzin 1.5.3
– Fully compatible with iPad
– iOS 9 Compatibility
– Implemented Push Notification
– Includes additional bug fixes and stability improvements
Cazzin 1.3.0
– Added GIF Converter feature. all your albums can be converted to Animated GIF image!!
How to create a stop-motion animation using Cazzin!
Create your own stop-motion animation using only 2 frames Cazzin can be used in various ways such as the following: • An animation can be created by manually selecting and dragging between previous and next frames. • 360 degree rotation capture. (spin your figure, doll, car, building or baby, head, body and so on.) •…